Compounding is the process of extemporaneous preparation of dosage form on receipt of prescription.Today relatively few prescription involve compounding, but the pharmacists mus still possess the knowledge and skills of compounding that he formerly did so that he can prepare special formulation.The steps of compounding of mediation are as follows :- 1) RECEIVING PRESCRIPTION : Prescription should be received by the pharmacists.Immediately the pharmacists should check patient name, age and whether it is handled by patient in person.While receiving the prescription the pharmacists in no way should facial or verbal expression, express doubts which may shake the faith of the patient in the physician. 2) READING TH PRESCRIPTION : Pharmacists should read the prescription thoroughly in privacy.If necessary, he can consult with another pharmacists or a physician without arousing doubts or fears in the patients mind. Pharmacists should maintain PATIENT MEDICAL RECORD (PMR) ...